
Untill you sit with the lord you cannot stand with him or for him.. You must first of all sit, then walk and then stand to represent him. Such is the protocol of the kingdom.
How can you represent a God that is strange to you.No man walk with a God he don’t know. God can be your friend if you care to give him a chance.
There is no far in the journey with God because the farther you go the far more you need to go along with him. There is always a deeper truth and reality to be reveal.
A potential leader is a good reader while a leader is always a reader and a good learner. Never stop learning is needful to be updated at all times.
A good leader has control over his appetite and do not summit to all things that entice him.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. many never care to obey God but always want to sacrifice their way into him. You cannot truly obey God without sacrificing but you can still sacrifice without obeying him.

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